News Archives - Detox Plus Rehab Clinics UK
Triggers in addiction

Alcohol Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention aims to alter excessive or addictive behaviour patterns in those with alcohol addiction. Relapse prevention plans are designed to teach individuals how to harness their self-control. This can be achieved when an individual sees where they need to....
Doctor throwing used syringe needle into sharps container on violet background, closeup

How To Find & Visit a Needle Exchange

Paying a visit to a needle and syringe service is available to any individual who engages in drug injection in the United Kingdom. Needle exchanges are free services that provide new sterile injecting equipment to safeguard oneself against the following: Infections....
Vyvanse Addiction a pile of blue and white pills

Vyvanse and Hypersexuality

One of the common side effects of stimulant medications is that they can increase a person's desire for sexual activity. This can prove to be problematic, especially in a person with addictive tendencies. A person may initially abuse Vyvanse to....

Vyvanse and Alcohol

It is not advisable to consume alcohol while taking Vyvanse, and prescribing doctors will warn against it. Using Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) together with alcohol can increase the risk of cardiovascular side effects such as: increased heart rate chest pain blood pressure....


What Are Benzodiazepines? Benzodiazepines, also known as "benzos," are a class of depressants that are often prescribed to treat anxiety disorders. So, if you're wondering "what are benzos," note that they're just a class of drug called benzodiazepines. They can....


The Basics of Fentanyl  Fentanyl falls into a class of drugs known as opioids. These drugs are classified as such because they act upon the opioid receptors in the body.  Those receptors deal with our sensations of pain and pleasure. That's why....

Bulimia Nervosa

Binge Eating Disorder  In bulimia, the person with the disorder has a compulsion to binge eat or overeat. This is an almost unstoppable urge and often carries a lot of shame with it. They may hide the fact that they....


What Is Percocet? "What is Percocet?" is one of the biggest questions surrounding this drug. Percocet is made up of oxycodone and acetaminophen. Oxycodone is an opiate pain reliever, while acetaminophen is not. Percocet is used as pain medicine or....

Spice Drug (K2)

What Is Spice? Spice (K2) is a nickname for the class of drugs formally known as synthetic cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are the chemical substances that form in cannabis and a few other plants. These substances are why cannabis produces psychoactive and....

Halcion (Triazolam)

Halcion is the brand name for the generic drug Triazolam, a benzodiazepine derivative. Triazolam is prescribed to help with severe insomnia and treat jet lag. The drug has a half-life of only 1.5 to 5.5 hours, making it a potent....
detox plus uk

Reasons People Drink Alcohol

People drink alcohol for all sorts of reasons. Some enjoy the taste of alcohol and celebrate with a glass of their favourite tipple. Others use alcohol to feel more comfortable in social situations or to swallow difficult emotions. Environment Exposure....

Danger of Cannabis Edibles

It may seem as though edibles drugs aren't as dangerous because you don't have to smoke them. Cannabis edibles are a popular way to use the drug, and they're often seen as a more palatable alternative to smoking or vaping....
oxycodone covid

Study shows Opioid Addiction More Likely For People Who Had Covid-19

A study conducted on the survivors of COVID-19 has revealed many worrying aspects. This includes a huge rise in opioid use disorders. Washington University School of Medicine and V.A. St. Louis Healthcare System researchers conducted a comprehensive study. The study....

How to Help an Alcoholic – A Step By Step Guide

If someone you know suffers from alcoholism, you likely want to help them. Perhaps you don't know where or how to start. Getting a loved one to seek help for an alcohol problem is no easy task. This is especially....
different types of party drugs being shared in a group

Club Drugs: The Risks, Effects and Dangers 

Club drugs also called rave drugs or party drugs, are a category of recreational drugs associated with enhancing the experience of music and socialising in nightclubs or raves. They enhance the partying experience, whether at a club, rave, music festival....
man giving up alcohol

Timeline of What Happens When You Give Up Alcohol

If you want to quit alcohol for good, you may be interested to know what the timeline of alcohol withdrawal looks like.  When stopping all alcohol use, it is useful to know what to expect in terms of how you....
blue valium

The Shocking Rise in Valium Abuse

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, there has been an increase of people using the Internet and street dealers to obtain prescription drugs to treat anxiety and insomnia. The drugs causing the most concern are sold as benzodiazepines, including fake Xanax and....

5 reasons Why Christmas Is the Best Time To Go To Alcohol Rehab

Many people delay seeking help for an alcohol problem until after Christmas. We know this due to the heavy demand for alcohol rehab during Christmas and New Year. January is historically a traditional time for people to give up drinking....
alcohol anxiety

Drinking and Anxiety – Hidden Impact of Lockdown

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems. During the pandemic, the British have drunk more alcohol due to loneliness, depression and anxiety. Dramatic changes in all our lives during the past six months have increased anxiety levels.....

How Covid has changed our drinking habits

In 2020, there were 5,460 alcohol-specific deaths in England and Wales. This is a 16.4% increase compared to the year before. With this statistic, we can assume that the number of people drinking has increased. What is the cause of....
prescribed drugs

1 in 4 Adults in England Could Be Hooked On Prescribed Drugs

A new report commissioned by the government to review addictive prescription drugs has revealed that 1 in 4 adults was prescribed them last year. Public Health England (PHE) took information from prescribing data, literature and personal experiences to review 5....

Naltrexone For Alcohol Addiction

Naltrexone implants are being considered in the UK by the NHS and private clinics in opiate addiction treatment. Such has been the success of naltrexone that doctors are hoping to use the medication in treating alcohol addictions well. But does....

What is Cross Addiction?

The First Step to Recovery - Admission Before we can address any problem, we must, of course, admit that there is a problem. One of the oldest and most established forms of addiction treatment, the 12-step model, invariably has as....

Is alcohol putting you in the mood?

For many people, alcohol is a quick and easy way to relax and unwind after a stressful day at work or after a hectic day looking after the kids. A few beers or glasses of wine can help to alleviate....
drinking alone

Does Drinking Alone Make You An Alcoholic?

People often enjoy having a drink every once in a while. Sometimes, having a drink after work is relaxing while waiting for your spouse to come home. Or it could be a drink at the bar on the way home....
pregabalin abuse

Pregabalin Abuse & Addiction Linked To Suicide

British researchers from Oxford University have conducted a study that revealed those taking pregabalin or gabapentin (the two most commonly prescribed gabapentinoids) are at 26% increased risk of suicide. Tolerance and dependence with both of these drugs develop over time....

Nutrition During Addiction Recovery

You cannot overstate the importance of nutrition and a balanced diet when it comes to good mental and physical health, particularly during addiction recovery. More and more people these days seem to be watching what they eat and monitoring how....

Alcohol Use Among Older Adults

Our senior years are often considered a time of rest and reconciliation. It is our golden years when we earn our well-deserved retirement. This is very true for many of us. However, another side of being a senior citizen is....
mindfulness addiction treatment

Mindfulness Based Addiction Recovery

Mindfulness and Addiction There are many different approaches to recovery from alcohol addiction and many ways to do it well. The research will attest to several other modalities providing successful ways of practising sobriety. One treatment strategy is showing a....
online pharmacies

How Online Pharmacies Are Creating Drug Addicts

Online pharmacies are nothing new, but they are now operating under the false pretence of appearing to be more reputable - giving the illusion that any medication purchased from them is safe to take. With a click of a button,....
drug abuse

The Lingering “Disease” Those who Recover From Drug & Alcohol Addiction

Many articles are written on how to recover from drug or alcohol addiction, but little is written about the impact that this illness has on an individual and how it continues to do so even once they have resolved the....
detox plus uk

How Does Binge Drinking Affect The Body?

Binge drinking occurs when excessive amounts of alcohol are consumed in a short time span. Binge drinking can be dangerous, especially when done regularly. Individuals who drink excessively are highly prone to incidents involving alcohol poisoning and accidents.   For....
addiction recovery

What Does Addiction Recovery Look Like After One Year?

Have you found yourself in the grip of drugs and alcohol and decided to stop? You knew it was going to be difficult, even painful, and you may not have seen a way out. However, you are now a year....

The Link Between Sleep Deprivation And Drug & Alcohol Addiction

  Your Guide to Achieving a Healthy Sleep Pattern Sleep deprivation or insufficient sleep is the condition of not having enough sleep. This lack of sleep can have profound consequences on your physical health, puts you at risk of serious....

Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms of Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant and incredibly addictive, both physically and mentally. Made from the coca plant leaves, it goes by many 'street' names, including coke, blow, snow, crack and rocks. However, it is an illegal street drug used by....
high functioning alcoholic

Are You A High Functioning Alcoholic?

High functioning alcoholism has become more and more common, especially with the pressures and demands of today's society to be seen as successful. Officially classed as alcohol use disorder, the problem can range from mild to severe in its symptoms.....

Can You Quit Opioids Cold Turkey?

Addicted to opioids and you want to stop? You may be considering going cold turkey and trying to quit on your own using willpower alone. This may work for some, but it can be dangerous to your health to withdraw....


Opiates faq

What happens when you mix alcohol with opiates?

Both opiates and alcohol depress the activity of the central nervous system, slowing breathing and heart rate. When taken together, the effects of these substances only increase, slowing breathing and heart rate down dangerously and depriving essential parts of the body of oxygen. Without an adequate amount of oxygen, essential organ systems begin to shut down. This can cause brain damage, or worse, death. Ingestion of opiates and alcohol also leads to loss of balance and coordination, increasing the risk of severe falls and rendering normal activities like driving deadly.

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