Resources Archives - Detox Plus Rehab Clinics UK
Infographic showing increasing number of alcoholic drinks illustrating drug tolerance development

Drug Tolerance

Drug tolerance describes an individual's reduced reaction to a drug following its repeated use. With repeated use, the body adapts to the continual presence of the substance. For example, when alcohol or cocaine is used for a long time, a higher....
Middle-aged man with gray hair lying awake in bed, looking stressed and unable to sleep


Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes regular sleeping issues lasting for months or years.  The disorder can be short-term, lasting less than 3 months, or long-term, lasting more than 3 months. Insomnia can be primary and secondary. Primary insomnia....
Gloved hand placing a syringe into a yellow sharps container labeled 'DANGER' against a purple background, highlighting safe disposal practices in addiction treatment

How To Find & Visit a Needle Exchange

Paying a visit to a needle and syringe service is available to any individual who engages in drug injection in the United Kingdom. Needle exchanges are free services that provide new sterile injecting equipment to safeguard oneself against the following: Infections....
Infographic showing five strategies for parents to prevent underage drinking, with an image of a parent and teen communicating positively

Ways To Prevent Your Child’s Underage Drinking

The five strategies to preventing your child from drinking alcohol As a parent, you play a key role in guiding your teenagers regarding alcohol and other drugs. This guide aims to provide you with five strategies to prevent teenage drinking....
Troubled man leaning on counter, looking pensively at glass of alcohol, considering addiction treatment

Helping a High-Functioning Alcoholic

If you know someone you suspect is a functioning alcoholic, it can be challenging to know when and how to help them.  Likewise, if you are a heavy drinker who can still work and tend to responsibilities, you may wonder....
Young woman sitting in bed holding her head, appearing to suffer from headache or discomfort during drug withdrawal

Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a support group for people who struggle with drug addiction. If you've recently completed your treatment programme and are still struggling with addiction or live in a location where there aren't many other support groups for....
Distressed woman holding 'HELP' sign next to wine glass, illustrating struggle with alcoholism

How to Help an Alcoholic – A Step By Step Guide

If someone you know suffers from alcoholism, you likely want to help them. Perhaps you don't know where or how to start. Getting a loved one to seek help for an alcohol problem is no easy task. This is especially....
Paper cutout figures holding hands in a circle, symbolising the unity and support within Alcoholics Anonymous, against a blue background

History of Alcoholics Anonymous

What is Alcoholics Anonymous? The first known meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Great Britain was held in London on 31 March 1947. Read on for more about the history of Alcoholics Anonymous and how the 12-step programs we now know came into....
Silhouette of a human head filled with various drugs, alcohol, and paraphernalia, with a wind-up key in the back, symbolizing addiction's control over the mind

Drug & Alcohol Cravings

  What Causes Drug & Alcohol Cravings? One of the biggest concerns facing people struggling with an addiction is how to deal with the cravings. Many would say if you can rid yourself of the craving for alcohol, then you....
Group of diverse young adults sitting together, using tablets and smartphones, highlighting digital connectivity and potential substance abuse risks

Student Guide to Alcohol & Drug Misuse

Freedom to Learn ... Learning to be Free Detox Plus UK is a national helpline for people experiencing difficulties with drug and alcohol addiction. Each year, we receive thousands of calls from students experiencing issues with addiction. For this reason,....
The word 'ADDICTION' spelled out using Scrabble tiles on a wooden tile rack, with scattered Scrabble tiles in the background.

Addiction Links

Addiction and Dependency Resources Welcome to the Addiction Link Portal, you’re one-stop for alcohol and drug-related information. If there is anything that you think should be added, that we can’t live without or would benefit others in recovery, please use....
Young woman drinking alcohol and smoking at a party, surrounded by beer bottles and cigarettes, illustrating teenage substance abuse

5 Ways To Keep Kids Off Drugs

Drug Awareness for Parents Drug education for young people and their families is an important step in guiding children through the perilous world of addiction. Awareness of drugs is as vital for parents as it is for teens and children.....

Alcohol Intervention

What is an Alcohol Intervention?  Having a loved one with an addiction to any substance can be scary, frustrating and leave you feeling hopeless. However, it does not have to stay that way. We can assist you with a professional....

Free Motivational

Therapy is a form of treatment that is designed to help individuals who may have mixed feelings about seeking help. This approach seeks to understand the root causes of the patient's ambivalence and harness their own internal motivators to encourage....
A support group session with individuals discussing teen drug addiction, showing empathy and concern.

Friends and Family Treatment

Although therapy usually focuses on the person who has the problem, there's no question that addiction often impacts on families and friends in a big way. A big question that family members often struggle with is whether to let go....

Beat Your Addiction Resources


Couple embracing on a bench, backlit by sunlight, symbolizing support and companionship during addiction recovery

Helping A Loved One Get Off Drugs

It can be scary, sad, and disheartening to watch someone you love who has an alcohol and drugs addiction. Addiction to drugs or alcohol can be most torturous to have to watch it happen right before your eyes. While it....
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