Educational Materials Archives - Detox Plus Rehab Clinics UK
Infographic showing increasing number of alcoholic drinks illustrating drug tolerance development

Drug Tolerance

Drug tolerance describes an individual's reduced reaction to a drug following its repeated use. With repeated use, the body adapts to the continual presence of the substance. For example, when alcohol or cocaine is used for a long time, a higher....
Middle-aged man with gray hair lying awake in bed, looking stressed and unable to sleep


Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes regular sleeping issues lasting for months or years.  The disorder can be short-term, lasting less than 3 months, or long-term, lasting more than 3 months. Insomnia can be primary and secondary. Primary insomnia....

Free Motivational

Therapy is a form of treatment that is designed to help individuals who may have mixed feelings about seeking help. This approach seeks to understand the root causes of the patient's ambivalence and harness their own internal motivators to encourage....

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