Couple embracing on a bench, backlit by sunlight, symbolizing support and companionship during addiction recovery

Helping A Loved One Get Off Drugs

Couple embracing on a bench, backlit by sunlight, symbolizing support and companionship during addiction recovery

It can be scary, sad, and disheartening to watch someone you love who has an alcohol and drugs addiction. Addiction to drugs or alcohol can be most torturous to have to watch it happen right before your eyes. While it may be painful, you do not have to go along for the ride. You can take steps to help a loved one get off drugs, and you can take steps to keep yourself safe.

Be Well With Yourself

The very first thing you can do to help a loved one struggling with an alcohol and drugs addiction is to be well yourself. If you are healthy, you can give more to someone else when they need it. If you are healthy, then you are not part of the cycle of addiction with them, enabling, or doing other things that make their using easier or more tolerated, like calling into work on their behalf saying they are sick when they are really hungover.

Education of alcohol and drug addiction

This one speaks for itself, the more you know, the more intelligent the decisions you will make. Understand the signs of abuse and addictions and understand the reactions people have while taking drugs or alcohol. This can help you when you talk to your loved one about what drugs specifically you think they are doing. Educating yourself can also help you know what options you have and what types of treatment are available for alcohol and drugs addiction.

Honest Communication

You then need to talk to your loved one openly and honestly about the situation. Tell them what you see happening, how you are reacting, and what you are concerned about. Don’t start with, “you are the problem because…” That’s a fast way to have someone shut down. Instead, begin with, “I am worried about you because…” Does not make the other person become quite so defensive when its, “I am worried,” or “It scares me to see you like this.” Keeping it as an “I” statement makes it not so threatening.

Next Stage To Helping a Loved One Get Off Drugs

Set limits for the alcohol and drugs addiction.

Understand what you are able and willing to tolerate. This is a personal matter and should be what is right for you. If it is only taking alcohol or drugs on weekends, then say that, if it is complete abstinence from all drugs and alcohol, then do that. Say that very clearly to your loved one, and then stick to those limits. Probably the hardest part of this will be sticking to the limits, but it is also the most vital part of it.

Find Out What Treatment Options There Are For A Loved One

This one may require a bit of research, but it is often helpful to have some next steps ready to go if the person using is willing. This could mean having an alcohol or drugs treatment specialist ready to talk to them or have a phone number of a substance abuse treatment facility available so that they can talk right then. Being ready to go cuts down the chance they will back out if you decide to call for some help for them the next day.

If you can organise an alcohol and drugs intervention this is one of the best things you can do to help anyone struggling with an alcohol and drugs addiction. Being involved in this process, you are showing your genuine concern for the health and welfare of someone else. That could prove just sufficient to inspire the alcoholic or drug addict to stop denying his or her problems and, instead, get help to solve them.

Set consequences and stick to them

This one follows immediately after setting limits, and you must set the consequences if they are violated.  Consequences again are a personal thing, and something you think you may need mainly. This should be considered as punitive second, but this is primarily for your safety and peace of mind. Do they need to move out? Will you stop giving them money? Will you deny them access to your children? As before, the hardest part is always following through, and it is the most necessary.

Raise the bottom

Raising the bottom is a term that originates from the phrase, “hitting bottom” when someone who has an alcohol or drugs addiction has done so much damage to themselves they cannot sink any lower, they are at the bottom. Raising the bottom means you are helping them get there faster so they can see they need help or be forced into getting help for their alcohol and drug addiction. One way to raise the bottom is refusing to support them anymore while they take alcohol or drugs. This forces them to find help faster, and maybe see that they need it.

Detox Plus UK offers assistance with alcohol and drugs interventions and we can advise you about organising a professional addictionologist who can take the lead for you.

Detox Plus UK is ready to assist you with an intervention if you need our help. We have plenty of experience supporting families with a loved one who has an alcohol and drugs addiction problem. Please contact us if a friend or family member is currently struggling with alcohol and drugs addiction problems.

Call us on 02072052734