Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Birmingham | Detox Plus UK

If you or a loved one are looking for help with drug or alcohol addiction in Birmingham, we can help.

Detox Plus UK specialises in providing and locating effective addiction rehabilitation programs in and around Birmingham.

Addiction Rehabilitation in Birmingham

Situated in Birmingham, the rehabilitation facility provides round-the-clock assistance to our residents. The programs for drug and alcohol rehabilitation aim to assist you in conquering your addiction and starting fresh.

Enter into one of West Midlands, UK’s top residential rehab centres.

Medical detox unit24-hour assistance and support
Homely, comfortable living spacePeer mentor support
Relapse prevention therapyAftercare
Psychotherapy and counsellingHolistic therapies
Health and exercise programCatering included

a group of people sitting in a row

Drug or Alcohol Detox

In Birmingham, we recommend state-of-the-art rehabilitation facilities providing a range of tailored therapies and treatments to help individuals tackle various addiction issues, including drug abuse, behavioural problems, and alcohol addiction, including:

Drug addictionAlcohol addiction
Heroin addictionPrescription drug addiction
Cannabis addictionGambling addiction

an illustration of a recovery team roles in a rehab


The first stage upon entering rehab is detoxing. Throughout your addiction, the substance has built up in your system. Removing harmful toxins is necessary to move on to the healing stage.

Once you enter the detox phase, you’ll no longer have access to drugs or alcohol.

You might start feeling unpleasant side effects because your brain and body are coping with the loss. Withdrawal symptoms differ for everyone, but most experiences include:

  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disorders
  • Headaches and abdominal cramps
  • Sweating, trembling, and shaky hands
  • Nausea and diarrhoea
  • Fever or chills
  • Exhaustion and lethargy
  • Increase blood pressure

Side effects may start within a few hours of entering the detox and continue for days or weeks. Some people also have more intense withdrawal symptoms like:

  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Delirium
  • Tremors
  • Confusion, disorientation, and panic
  • Vivid dreams and nightmares

But support staff will be monitoring you and keeping you safe. Your detox team may also provide medication to reduce some of these symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms usually subside within a week or two.

illustration of doctor at rehab

Live-In Rehab in Birmingham

Once you’ve completed detox, it’s time for your rehabilitation to begin. Although some centres offer outpatient services, most rehabs are live-in. This type of treatment means you’ll move into a room at the centre for recovery.

Residential treatment can range from no-frills living to luxury spaces. You might share a residence with another patient or have a private room. Some rehab centres are large complexes with many rooms and amenities.

Others focus on co-living and housing patients in cosy homes on the property. Regardless of the space, each rehab offers fully catered living. Nutrition is a crucial part of detox and recovery!

The rehabilitation centre in Birmingham has the following features:

  • Single and double rooms
  • Recreational spaces
  • Dining area
  • Lounge area

These areas are housed in a building steps away from the facility, within easy reach of the peaceful countryside. But the more important question is, what happens in rehab? The answer depends on your requirements and goals.

Most of your day will revolve around group and individual therapy. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is one of the primary forms of treatment in rehab.

The goal is to treat co-occurring disorders like depression along with addiction.

As your treatment progresses, you’ll have more options for self-improvement classes. You might take an anger management course or learn about mindfulness. Healthy living approaches like yoga, meditation, and nutrition lessons might improve your day.

The length of stay depends on your situation, but most people find that a month is enough. After rehab, you can move into an aftercare house or head home. Regardless of your choice, the healing process will continue with therapy or group counselling.

Group of people in rehab in a yoga pose


Unfortunately, leaving the rehab centre doesn’t mean that recovery is complete. Aftercare is a vital element of the healing process. It centres around:

  • Preventing relapse
  • Keeping you on track
  • Holding you accountable
  • Providing a support group
  • Working through mental health issues

Most people who finish rehab continue with therapy every week. They might hire a private therapist or attend an outpatient program at a centre. Those who lead busy lives might opt for online treatment.

Sober living houses are another way to continue treatment while reclaiming your independence. These community-based residences are drug and alcohol-free. Some benefits of a sober living house include peer support, safety, and inclusivity.

12-step programmes like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) provide alcohol support in Birmingham, and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a popular programme for recovering drug users. But specialised groups for different addictions also exist.

These 12-step programmes are not to be confused with treatment. Instead, they’re a follow-up to treatment shown to be effective in relapse prevention. Studies found that consistent and frequent attendance results in better recovery outcomes.

How to Prepare for a Rehabilitation Centre in Birmingham

Something that people rarely talk about is how to prepare for rehab. Despite what the media portrays, it’s not usually an instant process! Being prepared means less stress, which makes a big difference in your recovery.

What to Do Before Rehab

The first rule of order is to take care of your obligations to avoid the stress of dealing with more burdens once you leave rehab. We recommend dealing with the following:

  • Rent payments
  • Monthly bills
  • Automatic withdrawals (subscriptions, gym membership, etc.)
  • Prescription medication refills
  • Re-scheduling or cancelling appointments

You should also notify your place of work immediately. Some people might feel uncomfortable revealing their plans to their employers. The good news is that your rights are protected under the Health and Safety Act of 1974.

This act means that employers have a duty of care for employees. It protects workers with medical conditions from unfair dismissal. And addiction is a medical condition, provided a medical professional diagnoses it.

You may have to provide a doctor’s note detailing the reasons for your leave. And it might even result in sick pay for your stay.

Finally, and most importantly, spend as much time with your loved ones as possible. Although family can visit you during your stay, the rehab environment isn’t the same as being at home. Try to get some quality time with your family and friends!

If you have time, try to do your favourite relaxing activities before entering rehab. This possibility will depend on your situation and the severity of your addiction. But if you have a few days, take a bath or go to the cinema – whatever you enjoy doing!

What to Pack for Rehab

It’s tempting to bring mementoes and things that remind you of home when leaving for rehab. But we recommend packing only the essentials because distractions can hurt your recovery journey. Keep your packing list to the bare minimum with these items:

  • Required documents (ID, insurance information)
  • Prescription medications
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Comfortable clothing and shoes
  • Some form of payment

Include a blank journal in your travel bag for self-reflection. Studies show that expressing emotions, stress, and deep thoughts in written form benefits your mental health! Make daily journaling a practice while you’re recovering.

You can use some prompts to help your writing flourish. Try these out when you feel stuck:

  • Things you’re grateful for
  • What you’d like to do once you leave rehab
  • What are your favourite parts of your day
  • Highs and lows of your day
  • Letter to your younger or older self

You can also bring items used for peaceful activities. These can include books, art supplies, and music. Photographs of family and friends can keep you grounded and help you feel closer to home.

What to Leave at Home

Drugs and alcohol are prohibited in rehab. But there are some surprising things you should leave at home, including:

  • Board games, cards, and video games
  • Sports equipment

These items seem innocent enough, but they might be too distracting. The goal of rehab is healing and self-reflection, so external stimuli aren’t recommended. It would be best if you also skipped bringing these items:

  • Opened medicine or vitamins
  • Food, drinks, and snacks
  • Aerosol containers
  • Hygiene products that contain alcohol
  • Sharp items (nail scissors, razors)
  • Weapons
  • Pornography
  • Revealing or formal clothing

The use of cell phones differs between rehab centres. Some places ban them, while others allow cell phone use at specific times. Your best bet is to enquire with your rehab centre so that you’re prepared.

The same goes for cigarettes. Most rehabs have smoking areas, but some limit the number of cartons you can bring. Other centres prohibit smoking in some areas, so it’s best to double-check.

What Happens After Rehab?

After completing your rehab stay, you’re free to go back home. You might take some time off to relax or jump straight into work. Some people have career, family, and parenting obligations that will need attention.

You’ll need to attend aftercare therapy, attend support meet-ups, and work hard to maintain sobriety. But unlike before rehab, you’ll have the tools and coping mechanisms to avoid substance use. Of course, this doesn’t mean life will be perfect.

Relapse does happen, and it’s vital to recognise the warning signs to prevent it. Drug and alcohol relapse usually has three emotional, mental, and physical stages.

group therapy illustration with text

Emotional Relapse

Addiction often occurs because of deep-rooted emotional issues. You might still encounter this post-rehab, leading to relapse if ignored. A lack of self-care, poor nutrition, and sleep problems magnify these emotions.

Try to put a lot of focus on your mental and physical well-being once you leave rehab. Journal, meditate and engage in daily exercise for self-care. Get enough sleep and attend therapy to deal with emotional stress.

Mental Relapse

The mind can be tricky to reprogram, and intrusive thoughts might start to reappear. Mental relapse concerns your inner battle between those dark thoughts and new thinking patterns. You might feel nostalgic about your past life, and cravings might intensify.

Kick mental relapse to the curb by attending therapy and 12-step programmes. Share your story and get inspiration from others! Remember your success through journals, letters, and coping skills.

Physical Relapse

Physical relapse happens when mental and emotional issues become too overwhelming. It can mean a tiny slip-up, like a glass of wine at a party. But it can also mean reverting to past habits and seeking out drugs daily.

Only about 20% of recovered alcohol users return to their pre-rehab lifestyle. However, small mistakes amount to between 40% and 80% of recovered users. The main point is that having a slip-up doesn’t mean you’re doomed.

It’s crucial to have a plan ready to deal with this situation, even if it never happens. You might have a mentor who checks in on you and gets help in the event of a relapse. Whatever the case, don’t let it destroy your hard work at rehab!

A Look at Drug Addiction

Around 3.2 million adults across the UK have used drugs in the past year. These substances range from illegal drugs to prescription pills like Oxycodone. Even legal narcotics can lead to addiction when misused and abused.


Regardless of the drug, the symptoms of addiction follow a specific pattern. Drug addiction can change your entire personality, making drugs your focus. Common signs include:

  • Using prescriptions when you no longer need them
  • Building a tolerance, requiring increasing amounts to reach a high
  • Increased frequency of drug use
  • Physical changes like weight loss, bad breath, and bloodshot eyes
  • Engaging in illegal or risky activities
  • Sleep disturbances and diet changes
  • Cutting contact with family and friends
  • Careers and legal issues

Drug addiction can also have a severe impact on your mental health. Studies show that 50% of drug users also experience a mental health disorder at some point.


Seeking help for drug addiction can be a monumental effort. Many drug users remain in denial about the severity of their problems for a long time. But coming clean means reducing the risks of:

  • Mental health disorders
  • Poor judgement and risky decision-making
  • Kidney, liver, and brain damage
  • Heart problems
  • Infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis
  • Damage to veins or nasal membranes
  • Hallucinations or psychosis

Of course, the more serious risk linked to drug abuse is overdose. An overdose can happen when taking many drugs or mixing drugs. Even when an overdose doesn’t cause death, it can put you in a coma or lead to permanent brain damage.

Exploring Alcohol Addiction

There were over 40,000 alcohol-related hospitalisations in the West Midlands last year. Alcohol can become an addiction quickly, although it is legal, and many enjoy it.


Recognising the symptoms of alcohol addiction is the first step in seeking help. Common signs include:

  • Increased frequency of consumption
  • Drinking alcohol at inappropriate times and locations
  • Consuming more than you did before
  • Prioritising alcohol over self-care and relationships
  • Work and legal troubles due to alcohol
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms upon stopping
  • Using alcohol to reduce withdrawal symptoms

The NHS recommends no more than 14 units of alcohol per week. This amount is about six glasses of wine or pints of beer. If you notice your consumption is consistently higher, you might have an alcohol addiction or dependency.


There’s no safe level of alcohol consumption, but going over the recommended amount can lead to a range of risks. Alcohol is the underlying cause of over 30 diseases! Some of these diseases are:

  • Cancer
  • Liver disease
  • Brain damage
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Nervous system damage
  • Diabetes

Excessive drinking can also lead to co-occurring mental health disorders. Alcohol often intensifies anxiety, triggers depression, and leads to sleep problems. There’s also a strong link between alcoholism and self-harm, including suicide.

Effects of Untreated Addiction

Some people never seek treatment for their addiction. They might be in denial, have insufficient resources, or lack awareness. An untreated drug or alcohol addiction can have serious, life-long consequences, including:

  • Job loss
  • Homelessness
  • Divorce and failing relationships
  • Losing friends and family
  • Chronic diseases
  • Self-harm and suicide
  • Legal troubles and jail sentences
  • Accidents and injuries

But beyond that, an untreated addiction robs you of a happy, fulfilling life. Building a successful career, marriage, and parent-child relationship is impossible if you focus on drugs or alcohol. A drug rehab centre in Birmingham, UK, should be your next stop if you struggle with addiction.

Benefits of Quitting Drugs and Alcohol

The early benefits of quitting are clear: better physical and mental health. But there are a few surprising benefits linked to getting sober.


Long-term use of drugs and alcohol has a devastating effect on your appearance. Splotchy skin, tooth loss, extreme weight changes, and aged skin are just a few common examples. But once you regain your health, these outward signs of addiction disappear!

An improvement in appearance can also have a profound impact on your self-esteem. Not only will you feel brighter and more energetic, but you’ll look like it, too. And it’s easily achievable with better nutrition, good sleep, exercise, and self-care.


Addiction comes at a high financial cost. UK residents spend an estimated £9.4 billion on illegal drugs each year. Quitting means you can:

  • Build your savings
  • Get out of debt
  • Begin investing
  • Start a business
  • Avoid financial trouble

Seeking financial advice is a solid idea once you leave rehab. You’ll likely have some debt from your addiction to face. But you can begin to look forward to a more prosperous future!


Once you finish rehab, you might have worked to rebuild your relationships and social connections. Most 12-step programmes encourage apologising to your loved ones and mending bridges. Your loved ones should see the change in you and support your progress!

You might also enjoy new relationships with people from your support group meetings. You can try new activities like a running club or art classes in your quest for self-care and growth. Without the weight of addiction, you can build new friendships and relationships!

Are Birmingham Rehab Facilities Right for You?

You might wonder if a drug or alcohol rehab is right for you. The answer depends on your situation and the severity of your addiction. First, ask yourself if your habit is:

  • A coping mechanism for a mental health disorder
  • Causing personal, career, and social problems
  • Increasing (tolerance, amount consumed)
  • The focus of your entire day
  • Creating withdrawal symptoms once you stop using
  • Making you lie, steal, or engage in risky behaviour

You should also consider how others feel about your habits. Does your partner worry and encourage you to get help? Have you lost friends and family members because of your actions?

If you answered yes, it might be time to look for an alcohol and drug rehab in Birmingham, UK. Luckily, Detox Plus operates many rehab centres across the UK, including one in East Midlands. Our residential treatment centres are ready to help!

Get Help at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Birmingham!

You might not even realise how much addiction impacts every aspect of your life. Even if things seem okay now, long-term use can deteriorate your health, appearance, relationships, and finances. Worst of all, addiction deprives you of a long, happy, and healthy life.

Get help today at our drug and alcohol rehab in Birmingham. Head to our contact page to leave a message, request a callback, or call us directly. We can help you overcome your addiction today!

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