Diverse group of women participating in a therapy session at a rehabilitation centre, sitting in a circle in a modern, well-lit room with a large clock on the wall.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

What is Cocaine Addiction Treatment and Rehab?

Cocaine is a stimulant that impacts the nervous system and makes it work faster and harder. It gives people a feeling of euphoria, boundless energy, and invulnerability. The cost is high, however, as its long-term use comes with cardiovascular damage, mental illness, and an increased risk of legal problems, suicide and early death.

Cocaine is the most regularly used class A drug, passing the use of heroin.

Cocaine and crack vary in appearance. Cocaine is usually sold as a white powder, and crack is found as a generally white rock form, cream or tan. Crack and cocaine additionally contrast in the way in which they are used. Cocaine is usually snorted, and crack is typically smoked.

Finding the right treatment

There are several types of cocaine addiction treatment. They vary in intensity, time, and work commitment from the clients entering it. The amount of time and effort put into treatment comes into practice in the form of levels of care.

The most intensive level of care for cocaine addiction treatment would be the inpatient level. This is where patients will be living at the addiction treatment centre 24/7 for days to weeks. It will depend on individual needs, cocaine dependence, and overall physical and mental health.

For some patients, the risk of relapse is too high when they return to live at home. They may have long-term associations with people who use and abuse cocaine and may discover it is challenging to stay away from traffickers and dealers in the community.

These patients may also experience intense cravings for cocaine when seeing particular places or people. Parts of the brain stimulated by cocaine cry out for the drug while these triggers are perceived. It’s a tricky thing to defeat.

At the inpatient level, a person can expect to receive daily individual or group therapy, as well as education, psychiatric care and case management to help coordinate care and services that a person may need beyond just addiction treatment.

In inpatient clinics, you will be offered various forms of therapy. 

The next level of care, or step down, for cocaine addiction treatment would be partial hospitalisation treatment, also called a day program. This is where a person will live at home but be in treatment for about eight hours a day. The same types of therapy and treatment will be provided, but there will also be a focus on the person living back in their life. Although individual and group therapy will be provided, it will be centred around coping with living outside of the treatment facility, beyond stabilising them and helping them through the worst couple weeks of recovery, like detox and inpatient treatment.

Outpatient treatment would be the lowest intensity level of treatment. It involved the same types of therapy again, individual and group therapy, with support services as needed and available, but it would be every week. This is an excellent level of care for people in recovery who need support and practice with skills centred around their new life and healthy coping skills.

Recovery Is Possible

Diverse group of women participating in a therapy session at a rehabilitation centre, sitting in a circle in a modern, well-lit room with a large clock on the wall.

Addiction recovery, even for cocaine, happens daily for thousands of people. Treatment and recovery come in individual therapy, where the focus is on understanding the underlying causes of the addiction. Many who use drugs like cocaine cope with an untreated mental illness or other issues. By looking at this and the thought patterns and poor habits that contribute to this situation, a person can learn better ways to handle symptoms and overcome those underlying problems.

Group therapy focuses more on how people interact with others. This helps the person in treatment for cocaine use see how others perceive them. They can work out problems with interpersonal communication. Coping and handling living a healthy life in recovery will also be attended frequently in rehabilitation and group therapy.

Cocaine rehab treatment can be a long road, but recovery happens regularly. While it is highly addictive, cocaine addiction can be overcome. If you think you or someone you love are struggling with cocaine use and abuse, contact us immediately. We are here to help you in a life of recovery and good health.

Contact our helpline today for information on cocaine treatment programmes in your area.

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