Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Glasgow | Local Addiction Centres

Effective rehabilitation for addiction is what we provide at Detox Plus. Empowering lifelong successes and proven outcomes, Detox Plus has forever changed patients’ lives. 

We do this by offering effective rehabilitation treatment services for alcohol and drug addiction in Glasgow and throughout the Scottish region.

These rehabilitation treatment programs near you in Glasgow begin with detoxification of alcohol or drugs. We’ll discuss the treatment process so you know what to expect and can feel more confident in overcoming your addiction.

Addiction is a disease—and lives are at stake.

In Scotland, many people have addiction problems, so you or someone you care about may be dealing with this issue. Alcohol and drug addiction treatment in Glasgow and Scotland is crucial, considering these statistics.

While it certainly is possible for you to recover from addiction on your own, it can be highly challenging, especially if your struggle with addiction runs deep. The best way to get and stay sober is to do so under the guidance of professionals.

About Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Glasgow

Detox Plus has helped many people with substance use disorder find rehab centres in Glasgow over several years.

Get help in Glasgow to overcome drug or alcohol addiction with our helpline and nearby rehabilitation services. Our team places you in a clinic specifically designed for recovering from addiction. This clinic also addresses any related mental and emotional issues you may have.

Drug and alcohol dependence leads your body to become physically dependent on it. The substances you use gradually change your brain, making breaking your habit difficult. In addition, you feel good and get a “high” from drugs and heavy drinking, which can make you reluctant to stop using.

Glasgow rehab house

These factors make alcohol and drug detox a massive hurdle for many people. Many people return to using drugs or alcohol during detox because the withdrawal process is too painful and uncomfortable. It’s easier for them to continue using their substance of choice.

Since detoxification is a big challenge in recovery, getting through this with professionals in a rehabilitation facility is better. They can help you break the cycle of addiction. Recovering from drugs and alcohol in a centre means trained staff will watch your health and help you detox.

Stopping alcohol and drugs suddenly can worsen health problems, so detoxing without professional help is not advisable. Doctors can help you reduce your substance use safely and give you medicine to help with withdrawal.

When you go to a detox clinic, the staff will care for you, and you can feel confident. This is especially important as you bravely stop drinking or taking drugs and cleanse your body.

What Is An Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre Like?

Quitting substances and going through detox is a significant accomplishment if you can do it. However, you still have more to do in your journey to recovery.

The next step is alcohol and drug rehab treatment, as after detoxing from substances, you’ll likely get cravings to use again. Intense cravings can lead to relapse, causing a return to substance abuse and restarting the cycle of addiction.

A drug rehab centre has a team of doctors, nurses, counsellors, therapists, and support workers to help you. They will work together to create a personalized plan for you. This plan will give you the knowledge and skills to reduce the risk of relapse.

Glasgow has places to help people with different drug addictions, like opiates, cocaine, and prescription drugs

For alcohol and drug rehab, you can either stay in a hospital or receive outpatient care in Glasgow. Read on to find out the differences between them.

Country bedroom with wooden floors and a view

Inpatient Care

Residential addiction treatment is another term for inpatient care. As the name suggests, you reside at the drug addiction clinic while you use their recovery services.

In your recovery, the team will help you control cravings and determine what caused your addiction. Many have this misconception that addiction is solely a physical disease. But the truth is, alcohol and drugs are an escape for many people with challenging things to deal with.

For instance, a history of abuse as a child or other types of assault can make it very difficult to cope. Substance abuse offers a temporary respite, which can be comforting.

These may be very uncomfortable subjects, so it’ll take time. However, it’ll be easier to address and handle once you can determine the root of your substance abuse issues.

Inpatient rehab care is the best way to recover. You’ll be safe in a drug rehab facility away from harmful environments. You won’t have access to drugs and will be under the care of medical professionals who can monitor your progress. This often means regularly taking prescription medication to stave off cravings and other lingering effects of addiction.

Being in rehab for the duration of your treatment is necessary. Inpatient care may not be suitable for individuals with responsibilities such as work, school, or children. So, another option may be outpatient care.

Outpatient Care at Home in Glasgow

Some people go through drug recovery in an outpatient setting, meaning they can continue everyday life without lapse (besides detox). Not only can you continue with daily obligations, but you’ll also pay less than with inpatient care. So this can be an attractive alternative.

Outpatient care provides addiction services without living at the rehab centre. Instead, you’ll have appointments to come in and use the services. This can include taking your medication and going to counselling sessions. However, doctors typically do not recommend outpatient treatment for individuals with the most severe addictions or close to relapse.

What happens after rehab

Aftercare is essential after rehabilitation because addiction is a lifelong disease, so you must continue battling it even if you’re sober. Because of that, you’ll need continual support and learn some life skills to help combat cravings and temptations. This is why you must receive aftercare after detoxing and recovering at a drug and alcohol rehab in Glasgow.

Below are some of the services you can utilise.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

a woman sitting in a chair with a notepad and a woman sitting in a chair

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a very effective type of therapy used to address traumas in your past. It is helpful for addiction and other mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. So, this can be a great program to go through if you also struggle with mental health issues.

A therapist will assist you in recognizing and understanding problems from your past that are causing you distress. They can assist in identifying if these traumas cause your addiction. They can also teach you healthier methods to comfort yourself instead of turning to substance abuse again.

Weekly Meetings

UK drug addiction clinics will have group meetings in addition to individual counselling. If you lack a robust support system, this is an excellent method to help you gain a support network during recovery. 

At these weekly meetings, former patients share their thoughts on recovery, including their struggles. Patients share their struggles, making you feel less alone when you hear about others going through the same thing.

You can band together and provide a strong support network for each other. You can share contact info to ask for help and support when needed quickly.

Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapeutics are always good for the mind and soul. Services for addiction recovery may include massage, meditation, and reiki. These activities help you relax your body and mind, increase self-awareness and mindfulness, and find inner peace.

Support Groups in Glasgow

Free rehab is challenging, but plenty of free substance dependence services exist. Glasgow is home to many private and accessible healthcare clinics. 

Knowing other options may be beneficial if you are determined to seek recovery but cannot currently afford or attend due to prior commitments.

Around Glasgow, local communities hold free Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous sessions every week in Glasgow. Scottish Families Affected By Alcohol & Drugs on Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow and Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Crisis Service on Tradeston Street, Glasgow, are more free services available in Glasgow.

Whether a family member is amid alcohol or drug abuse or has completed rehabilitation, the Alcoholics Anonymous groups offer support groups to family members, too. These meetings are similar to Alcoholics Anonymous but aim to support family members affected by alcohol use disorder.

Get on the Road to Recovery With Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Glasgow

Now that you know how the recovery process goes with drug and alcohol rehab in Glasgow, maybe you feel more comfortable with the idea of it. 

Deciding to go in for drug or alcohol treatment is a huge step, so you should feel proud of yourself for even considering this option. It’s the beginning of your path to sobriety, after all.

Only you know when you’re fully prepared to go into treatment, so never feel pressured to do so before you’re ready. Recovery takes time and patience; ensuring a sound support system will give you all the tools you need for success.

If you’re ready to take the first step towards recovery, contact us now. We at Detox Plus UK have multiple drug rehab clinics in Glasgow. We can provide you with complimentary advice as well.

Detox Plus offers a range of addiction treatments available in most Scottish regions, such as Lanarkshire, Strathclyde, Blantyre, Barrhead, Clydebank, Kilmarnock, Paisley, Dumbarton, Falkirk, Bathgate and Motherwell.

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